
Showing posts from May, 2021

7. The Offseason, Part 3

  August 17, Madison, Wisconsin, just before noon Jason reread the email one more time, confirming that he was in the right place at the right time. He glanced up at the sign that read “Madison North High School” and figured that he couldn’t be too far astray. He took a deep breath, letting the air fill his lungs and taking a moment to focus himself. Jason walked up to one of the many doors that formed a long row across the face of the building. As he approached the door, he prayed that it was unlocked and that he wouldn’t make an absolute fool of himself as he tried to open it. As his hand wrapped around the handle that was warm in the humid midwestern heat, he closed his eyes and pulled. A huge sense of relief flowed over him as the door swung open and he walked into the brightly lit entranceway. Looking down at the email again, he followed the directions to a room that connected to several offices. There Jason was greeted by a middle aged man sitting behind a massive desk full of pa

6. The Offseason Part 2

  The Offseason Part 2  August 2nd, Madison, Wisconsin, around 3pm   It was the last practice for the MadBots mixed team before the Youth Club Championship Tournament the following weekend. The players were taking some feedback after an intense scrimmage. The summer air was hot and thick with humidity. Among the twenty or so players was a wide mix of jerseys. Frederick and Anya could be seen in their Madison North Jerseys. #55 of Madison South, who Frederick now knew as Ryan Mack, was there. Misty Sharp of Madison West Women was there along with a half dozen more players from West high school.  It was clear to everyone that just like the past summers, West was the top dog and everyone was chasing them. The rosters of the Madbots teams showed the clear hierarchy of Madison Youth Ultimate. Madison West’s Men’s and Women’s teams had by far the most players. Madison East, who finished second in both divisions was a distant second, followed by Madison North and nearby Oregon High school, th